About Us
we are all artists
this is more than fashion
never go unnoticed
from your friends at 212, with love
The Mission
We believe that if enough light is shed onto the unnoticed, appreciation is inevitable. Our mission is to expose the beauty in all things.
212 Degrees
At 211 degrees F, water is scorching hot, yet completely still. The energy in the water goes unnoticed. When the temperature rises to 212 degrees, the water begins to erupt and the heat exposes the energy within.
Stitched in NYC
At two twelve our fabric is sourced from the finest textile mills east of the Sahara. Fabric is then pulled, sliced, and prepared for the specified design patterns. After preparation, the fabric is carefully aligned to the desired article of clothing. The clothing is then hand stitched with precision by some of the most skilled sartors from fashion houses around the world. At two twelve's fashion house, we promise to implement quality craftsmanship to every collection unveiled.
We bring LA suave to blue collar NY. From coast to coast we encourage people to unite and help us expose the beauty in all things.